Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Use Mod Function To Color Alternate Rows/Columns


What is it?

Color alternate rows/columns using conditional formatting formula

How/Where should it be used?

In the formula option of conditional formatting

What’s the formula?







How does the formula work?

• MOD function returns the remainder when a number is divided by another number

• Column(), Row() function returns the column number or row number

• So, when a row/column function is divided by 2 we either get a 0(or) 1 as the output which is used to find the alternate rows/columns and color them

Detailed Steps:

Step 1: Open Conditional formatting window and select create rules

Step 2: Select the rule type as “Use a formula to select which cell to format”

Step 3: Type in the below formula in the box “Format values when this formula is true


Step 4: Click on Format and select the color that you want to choose

Step 5: The Output is as below

Step 6: Follow steps 1-5 with the formula below to get the output as below

=mod (column (), 2) =0

Note: Replace columns with Rows in the formula and follow the same steps to color alternate rows